A black spot under your nails that isn't caused by trauma should be seen by a dermatologist or podiatrist to ensure it is not melanoma. Tea tree oil has seen a huge increase in popularity over the past decade. Oral medication, or laser therapy to treat fungal nails, are the most effective ways to treat toenail and nail fungus. It's important to have your toenails checked for toenail fungal disease if they are thick, crumbly or ragged. Sometimes, they do not even notice changes in their body unless it gets extremely serious. If you leave a fungal infection on your nails unnoticed and untreated, you will experience severe pain in Your feet and fingersYour nails can become thickened and distorted, making it difficult for you to do the minimum with your fingers and toes. To treat the toenail and nail fungus on both your feet (if you have 10 nails), it takes only 15 minutes. The nail appears opaque while the base of the nail appears white. It is important that you see a medical professional immediately if your nails change. Kerassentials also contains many other ingredients such as mineral oil, canola oil, walnut oil and camphor oil. Find the Advanced Foot and Ankle podiatry facility nearest to you and book an appointment for assessment and diagnostics. Another reason to seek medical treatment is a poor cosmetic appearance.